Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Work and Study

Recently, many of my friends felt bad about their works and some even doubted their choice of this career. In fact, nearly all of them were smarter and more knowledgeable than me. I'm so far so good (I mean feeling towards works), sometimes get blamed and commented, but these can still be okay for me. I have probably already developed immunity towards the sarcastic comments for my stupidity as i have been stupid all these years. However, will I be like them in future? I so far do not feel bad about my career and in fact I'm now learning to love my career. As compared to the previous study life, I now have better feeling towards pharmacy. I remembered that last time there was quite a period of time that i always blamed my study life. Maybe i was not born to read. Yup, it's true. Within these two days, i tried to study the law book for my upcoming forensic exam, but totally no mood at all. I only read literally but did not study it. Life is really full of "exam" and our life is judged by the marks of the exam (Probably not applicable throughout the world but i think that it is applicable in a country like Malaysia). So, what to do? I still need to accept the reality. Hence, Lim Kek Chuong, starting from now, please be serious with your law book revision.

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Mad of Work

I just thought that if I got to work the same thing everyday, would I get mad and stressed out? This afternoon a colleague told me that works in MU were repeating almost the same thing everyday and every cycle - supplying stuffs to the wards and other pharmacy units, diluting, preparing, repacking, labeling and sometimes she felt stressed out with those same works... I did enjoy working in MU for the past 1 week but didn't know why today i felt that the works in MU were tiring and the time passed very slowly... Maybe my colleague was true and i was already fed up with the works... My goodness, this was the just the second week in MU and i already felt like working here for a long time already. Then, how am i going to face my work in future if the hospital policy is to fix me in a department? will i get mad? Pretty scared of that...

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

I help, but get BLAMED!

It really hurt when i tried my best to help out but there was always a person who not only did not appreciate the help, but in fact blamed me!!! i had tried to do my best to help out! If you're not satisfied with it, then reject it! You still had nothing to lose! Stop blaming me! After-all, i thought that being a selfish person was even better because i could be silent there and lived my life, and not lend out my hand so that i could avoid from being blamed... Really fed up with such kind of person... Sucks!!!

Monday, October 18, 2010

Attached to Sibu Hospital...

After listening to senior frp and also the other senior pharmacy assistants, I suddenly felt that i should be lucky to be attached to Sibu hospital. The equipments in this hospital might not be as good and advanced as the other hospitals particularly in urban area, but at least it had the basic stuffs for us to be trained. For example, the clean room and the laminar air flow cabinet in the Sibu hospital was not of excellent standard, but when i heard that in some hospitals, they did not even have a clean room to prepare eyedrops and what they did was preparing all these stuffs on a trolley or even near the sink, I certainly felt lucky for myself to be here and also i should stop from demanding too much. Moreover, deep part of me also felt lucky that the clean room did not require too much from us. If the clean room was of very excellent standard, there would be certainly many rules and limitations as well as requirements. I would surely be passed out to be asked to work under such "clean condition"... haha! Suddenly i remembered a semenanjung frp praised the opd service in Sibu hospital because what she saw in the past in Semenanjung there mostly was counter service only as compared to Sibu hospital... Hmmm... maybe I should change my mind that Sibu hospital was not as bad as the other people thought of and thank God i'm attached here...

Thursday, October 14, 2010



Tuesday, October 12, 2010


Sometimes, i feel that i'm really a slow-reacted, careless n stupid person... The work today really gives me such that bad feeling... So, KCLim, when will you can be smart?